Dec 28 Contacting as many members as i can to wish a awesome n safe new year! Some i can not reach until new phone that can access my main IG account. If trying to contact me please, find my profile (im at top) on and DM me or email from bio on IG. It goes straight to my watch im wearing until phase 2 of Ai Krakens release.
Tomorrow i will finally get back to doing my Color Of The Week and post my top 5 colors of 2023, even tho produced the least amount of glass ever. I still enjoyed a couple of these new colors that i had a chance to try.
Will be updating my shops page and give the latest latest on some Krakens hatching and where and for who.
We had a few hiccups from family interruptions, but we on full throttle melt mode to hatch mania.
Catch me by kiln staying warm when clock turns over.
Nature also gave a break today from the freeze to give girls a catwalk.

Dec 27 @Tristan said when he has better service he will be picking a winner. He won yesterdays giveaway.
@Pete Benton from 6star will have this guy up on soon for a WI meetup. Ill post a incubation report soon, come at start of the year. Minus the Dichro beasts, i'm awaiting progress report. That will determine a MN meetup and will organize PA & NJ before March.
Most likely end of Feb start of Mar. Going to be calling Utah connection which will feature some Dichro and even tho it will arrive way before i want a UT meetup on way to spread Santa Cruz for June. I'll be spreading my mothers ashes in the ocean off The Boardwalk, her fav place ever.
Confirmed FL meetup, details soon.
Playing catch up on so many fronts, many updates coming. Sorting Affiliates for sales to begin in the near future, for the first time in 6yrs with no waitlist. Time to rebuild from the FTX heist and melt new ideas.
Ai Krakens , Baby Krakens , Globe Krakens and Proxy's. Can not fucking wait! :)
Dec 26 Picking winner tonight for a couple pieces im parting with to say my thanks for continued support. Must be a member and follow one of the amazing galleries on my website
In hustle mode to catch up so fasting on social until i can fix phone to log into my main IG, but until tten chiming into members in members only forum who took time to leave positive vibes. Time to get it!
I was with family yesterday so i hope everyone had beautful time with friends and family yesterday. Bless

Dec 23 Dichro and crushed opal news will be posted in *news members tab

Dec 22 In exchange to plug in and stay warm, i offered horse duties for my sister and niece' horses. Also finally get my riding lesson while visiting for the Holidays. I made a prototype of a horse 🐴, i can base off to make them pendants. As i described in yesterdays quick notes, glassblowing you can make whatever. My whatever is a Kraken Reef Chess set. 1 piece a week starting July. This prototype i kept similar to my fav piece of the chess board. The Knight.

Dec 21 Glassblowing 101 | Glasses
Come next year i'll be uploading videos as part of an extended learning for those newbies i teach in person. Though i know a majority of techniques, i leave advanced ideas ti be directed to the glassblowers who perfected a certain tech. So many techs, but doesn't mean i must apply to Krakens necessarily. majority of classes in 2024 will be beginners. I plan 4 of them. More on that topic in its own blog, but it all starts with the glasses which block the #solarflare.
You would need to sign up as a member to see full tutorials next year. Also plan 1 on 1 help via *live streams from me or friends. If i don't know how to do it, a friend does. :)(Tba)
Kraken # 351
Dec 20 Members got first insight into what's headed. I can't find their IG because i can not log into my main IG account yet.
I have to get my new phone associated with the account. I will let let ya know asap but if randomly see this and i'll call the shop itself.
Below another A Friend Indeed Australia package 📦

Dec 19 Feels like the 🥶 Arctic !! Brrr .. so long with my saying "I'll never go anywhere i can't wear flip flops" Arctic Kraken ideas gonna be on my mind during todays melt.
Also got dates for meetups in WI, MN, PA, NJ, FL and hometown Santa Cruz i am going to release Jan 1 in the events tab. So stoked to see some familiar faces. 💜☮️

Dec 18
Dec 17 These blog posts are for random members or for me to keep track of my time line. I never know what day it is outside of Tuesday. I do remember landmarks, like when it gets freezing. Last week i posted my coldest weather i been in over the last 10yrs. Though it's cold, it's wonderful to be near family. Florida and the desert never made it feel like Xmas during the winter. Growing up in Santa Cruz it would be like 60-70 half my life during Xmas.
So this winter it's a diff kind of snowbird. I plan some meetups next month up in the midwest i said i'd return without waiting another season. Even with snow. My reward to self is use my snowboard i've not used since 2012, once got back all the obligations that got left on the table.
Cold wise, i'm not sure how these RV or buslife people that do videos that say they live and function in the snow.
Glass hella does not like the cold, but will accept as much heat as ya can give.
A giveaway has been listed and email sent out to members to get first dibs on the Krakens heading to Galleries. I mean they were rare before but with forced downtime i believe there is none in existence on the market.
Therefore the giveaway on Tues will be dedicated to support these rad shops who have been generous with their understanding on tardiness of POD arrivals. Before end of Winter, a Arctic Kraken will be hatched and join the uber rare Lightning Kraken (4 Total), which only hatch's during a storm. Blah blah blah rambling as i have so much to talk about i just need to sum this up.
If a member, look for a Tuesday and current giveaway in forum for the Seaglass Atlantis Tentacle Pendant. Wish i had time to make something big for all of ya for a giveaway for Xmas.

Dec 16

Dec 15 Kraken Krate for a local delivery. Gift for his amazing support and patience through my family issues over this last 9months. Much love Matt hope ya dig

Dec 14 Now that work is back to normal I am sending out a email to give update on pieces that headed to Galleries.
Dec 13 You can find this beast at Xhale Gallery in Seattle, WA ships in morning to new home. Hit them up if interested. Anyone who scoops please join as a member and leave comment in member *News Forum tab to release Kraken NFT registration to ya. Playing catch up but a bunch fun stuff coming. Thanks for looking. 💜☮️

Dec 12 Incubating

Dec 10 FAQ: Blog is public. Forum is Kraken Krew only. Where are the giveaways? 90% are in members *News | Update tab. To become a member, there is 3 tiers. Free basically with a $5 one time fee for me to take time and approve. Other tiers are for more serious buyers looking to get first dibs on a available Kraken that has for the most part been sold out with a waitlist the last 6years. Come 2024 only current Krakens hatched will be available. Changing business model so if i get injured or whatever unforeseen issue, production is not affected. That is where higher tiers will benefit + further tutorials for friends i've helped dive into the world of glassblowing or nomadic travel. Will focus on many videos on these topics for those members via FAQ, 1 on 1, or general questions. 💜☮️
Dec 9 Setting torch up and enjoying the fact a idea for a Artic Kraken is in the cards for the future to remember the last few days. :) ❄️
Giveaway on FB today and one for the Tentacle Spoon for Tuesday. No time at moment as gear up to melt. 🔥

Dec 6 Thanks to few of you concerned members.. Lily is ok as of now, but yes overall lil negative.
Will be back online to post giveaway on FB tonight. Tentacle Spoon will be for members only giveaway in News tab and a pendant on FB open to anyone. Both will require following one of the awesomd Galleries on *shops tab. Girls n i ran into dropping temps, as expected... unexpected since they said 50-60. All good just had to drive extra day without setting up torch. I do not use propane heater while blowing glass. Great news scooped materials and checking messages in between. Much love!
2days till we full send Xmas crush for you members, awesome shops and see fam. Dichro update, machine fixed!! :)
Dec 3

Dec 2 What’s Kraken?
I hope everyone had a rad weekend! Greeting from the side of the freeway en route to undisclosed location to crush for Xmas! Wind gusts + melted snow = pull over. I will be getting a new phone to finally be able to sign into my main glass page to see if any friendly faces will be in these areas. I have no been on due to phone breaking associated with it and personal reasons regarding mom. Plus have nothing to sell nor wish to explain personal matters to random people.
New location will allow for overtime and not worry about hurting my eyes in dark when sun sets early as f now.
This route will coincide with meetups in the North which were canceled twice for family reasons.
I said i would return regardless if i had to deal with snow, then have to wait for another season. + get to see other sis side of family for Holidays It will be good, because it’s been not so fun missing family.
Fl is rescheduled for Jan 18-20.
Will have MN & WI dates in next 2 weeks after i secure the Dichro Krakens home safely. PA & NJ end of Jan.
Each meetup requires a Dichro Kraken which will conclude the series. They will be extinct thereafter. If see this randomly and interested, the only Krakens offered this Xmas will be through Galleries in the Shop tab.
Additional information will be found in *News tab for members only. You would need to sign up. Blog is public, but communications is done through personal profiles via created in member area.
Some subtle differences will be seen in some upcoming Krakens, which will distinguish 2023+ . Aside from all new Globe or Baby variations which i’ll be working with Affiliates.
Stoked on the creation of a couple larger ones for Sean & Rod as well. I will also implement some additions to a couple outstanding repairs once setup for Xmas crush.
This morning i had coffee with my friend Mike who owns a Art Gallery in NM passing through. Discussed a meetup there in late spring. I posted a pic where he has been editing Krakens into vintage paintings he finds at stores where artist is either unknown or passed. I thought it was funny.
Well gonna go post in Kraken owners news thread. Again this is just basic info and more detailed info is for those that own glass in member *news update tab.

I just wanted to say real quick, that I love the “upcycling” of the painting! Keep your head up and much love to you and the kitties!
Josh i messaged you in personal DM and tagged ya in the Member area if you see this. I’ll be in making effort drop yours and Matt’s off in person .