Great time! Finally made it this year. Much thanks to my buddie Kevin in Eugene, helped me get to demo on time and even early!
Seeing a few hiccups with paypal closing my account, it disrupted my travel plans via the bus route with the Pod Drops schedule. It forced the flying. On the bright side it saved 10days travel and we caught up on outline for future WAG website.
As for WAG. I took quick mins and talked to several arrists about onboarding but using a bare bones service incoporating NFTs before theit token launch or distribution.
As for demo itself i had no prep so hunted down the Norhstar booth for the new new. Finding a Aquamarine blue and Opal Peach. Opal peach id heard of in the past when it did a small batch release, but was too late. This time i secured a booty of it. :)
I made a couple of things and gifted the Tentacle Spoon to member Shae who did the treck. Saw several members including Cody, who was amazing finding me that cold brew needs. Saw weedwookie along with several glass buddies i have not see since travels. Travis the marbleman, Ben David, Salt, AKm, Nathan Belmont, Roseburg, Sean5150, and others. Met finally my demo neighbors Micro and Danigirl and several others. Overall thanks to Northstar for continued support and invite. DFO is definitely the best glass event of any kind in my opinion and the level of glass is awesome.
Nathen and Kaleb killed this lady flower sculptor in the competition, it was kinda my favorite. Then again its hard to say that. Complexity of Hoobs,Ryno, Salt and Akm and others were thru the roof. Overall if never attended one, do not miss next year!!!! :)

So cool! I’ve been watching on a bunch of peoples insta crazy stuff getting pumped out there
Service to shitty upload the videos. Do later :)