After a 3hr drive south and a mad storm finally arrived at Treasure Chest, super late for demo. I was greeted by the amazing owner Treasure that I had met yrs before at a get together I put on in St. Pete. After a couple year wait for a Pod Drop I finally stopped in. Several people had waited hours and I can’t express how cool it was to see. Handed out several giveaways for the love. Met a few I have to do future collabs with and a few I meed on a street team because the suppprt was amazing. Only finished a Tentacle spoon and worked on a Kraken but during that time it was fun to talk about blockchain and travels. Here are a few pics of the amazing people. :)
Thanks again
The following day I went Megladon tooth hunting a hour up the coast for a dive in what use to be the biggest reef in the world has seen about 12MILLION years ago. It is also the Megladon capital of the world. Very spooky dive few miles off shore with low visibility and storms. Definitely a #bucklist complete! Had to end my winter stay in Fl proper.