Ai Krakens
The AI Kraken NFT marketplace is a collection of 200 unique Wicked Glass Kraken artworks. Made of glass and paired with its Digital NFT image found on the Cardano Blockchain.
Website Launches July 11, 2024 but more info here.
These artworks are created using traits and colors from a pool of 450 previously created Wicked Glass Krakens. Traits such as color and style. Resulting in 34,000 different combinations, that 200 unique Krakens will hatch.
Then randomly generated code describes
#451-600, which is created into digital and glass artworks. Ai Krakens are in a sense Krakens Gen 2.0 for those new to Kraken artworks in general.
When these NFTs are sold or resold, 10% of the royalties will be allocated to the Coral Restoration project through a platform called The Kraken Foundation, which is a side of Wicked Glass.
The Rarity Chart gives a overall ranking to each of the 200 Ai Krakens created.
0-2% Legendary
3-10% Epic
11-20% Super Rare
21-30% Rare
31-50% Uncommon
51% Common
I peaked. Now i know what the first 10 will look like, from the code i generated 2yrs ago. Its going to be fun to collab with myself through Ai generated code. Excited to see 2 Legendary in the first 10 coming. The epic #6 is a combo i have never done before. :)
First 10 Generated Krakens for Spring 2024 and their rarity rank below. The traits themselves will remain private, hidden in the Kraken Vault folder until created. One by one. That said, i am stoked to see 2 Legendary Krakens on the horizon.. Those chances are.... Legendary.
Ai Krakens will have 2 numbers. First # associated with Ai Krakens Project and a # in overall Krakens existing. The first 10 are secured for members of the Kraken Krew and Certified Merchants.
#1 / #451 Rare Hatched (in picture)
#2/ #452 Rare Reserved for AFI
#3/ #453 Legendary Reserved for member
#4/ #454 Rare Reserved for Glass2Grass
#5/ #455 Legendary Reserved for member
#6/ #456 Epic Reserved for Xhale
#7/ #457 Super Rare Reserved for member
#8/ #458 Common Reserved for HH
#9/ #459 Common Reserved for member
#10/ #460 Common Reserved for 6Star
#11/#461 ??? Released at Shakopee meet up
#12/#462??? Released at WI, meetup
#13/#463??? Released at Glass2grass
#14/#464??? Released at PA meet up
#15-17/#465-7??? Released at MoodGallery meet up in Neptune City, NJ
#18/#468??? Released to public at meet up in hometown of Santa Cruz, Ca July 11th, 2024
IMPORTANT NOTICE: For all previous Kraken Owners. A burn and re-mint system of existing NFTs will be implemented for Gen1. So any Kraken from #1-450 can have a NFT image of their Kraken, Instead of the base NFT image that
was minted with their original NFT reg..
So basically there are 2 Generations of NFTs
Kraken NFTs #1-450 are Gen1
Ai Kraken NFTs #450-650 are Gen2
Some examples below of Krakens minted that are from Gen1 in response to people curious of what to expect from the generated code.
Reminder, Ai krakens are made 1 by 1 and released 1 by 1. No pre-sale or pre-mints.
I do not even know the future traits outside of the first 10. :)
This is the first of its kind and another milestone in Kraken unique history. Building on the original Krakens #1-450, which was the first glass artworks to include a NFT registration system, for a physical product. :)
Stay tuned..
Much love for the support!
Releasing the Ai Krakens Summer 2024 to the general public. First 10 are secured for members of website and certified galleries.
Ai Kraken #1 (#451 overall) was minted on Tentacle Tuesday Feb 6th, 2024 and adopted by Robert. It featured CFL Terps specialty skin trait and rare trait of Opal Eyes.
Rarity Rank: Rare (Pictured below)
A mint of the corresponding #NFT image was minted once the physical corresponding Kraken was completed. No PRESALE MINTS or Sales. First come first adopt as they are hatched.
Members will get first updates when minted. Join the POD for updates.
Ai Kraken #2 description will be revealed on Tentacle Tuesday Feb 13th and minted once created.
The Krakens I Traits
Based off the original 450 Krakens, some will be more rare then others, like colors and style. Plus a few hidden traits included for future projects, such as the Krakens ocean of Origin. Some examples below of Uber rare traits from the pool of 34000 combinations, that the 200 will hatch from. Combined traits giving each Ai Kraken a overall rarity rank from the Rarity Chart.
Red Sea
Crushed Opal
This is a ongoing project that would like to include the community. There is no current discord or telegram. Please join the POD as a Kraken Krew member for updates. This is a grass roots start, but these NFTs will be give access to such things as airdrops of Wicked Glass member tokens or exclusive NFTs.
Below is an example of code that has been written for the Ai Krakens. These descriptions will remain in the Krakenvault and be released 1 at a time as they roll out. Traits will be listed in the meta of NFT for a Kraken minted. Leaving curiosity for me the artist and future collector.