Edited: Post 🐙Drop
I want to thank everyone that came out to view the 🐙Drop and Demo w/ Sherbet! Haven’t had much time to sit down and do an update on this.
First, thanks Glass2Grass for being patient and letting me work through the family issues that delayed my visit. Words can’t explain my appreciation.
Thanks also for the amazing representation at both for viewing and demo. I did say next time i’m brining 🔥 to match the museum level of glass that is on display. Feel very grateful.
Demo was exceptional and fun! Surprised at the turnout and would like to thank the Glass Bubble Miami for opening their doors for the after show meetup. So many good guys up in there! Sherb, thanks for allowing me to join!
Of the couple collabs with Sherb, you just reach out to Glass2Grass because i never got a picture.
Congrates Curtis for winning my giveaway and trecking all the way from Orlando! :)
Thanks to Kiato, Wen, Billy for torch use and boys at G2G, Arden, Geoff, Alex, Issac and crew at Glass Bubble, Liz & Kelly, Joel & Colin for brining Krakens, Diego for pics and vid, Chad Lacey & Adrienne (can’t wait for new collabs), Joshua & Cassie and everyone else because so many i want to thank. Here are the only pics i can squeeze in! My watch took a shit so lost some #s, but i’ll find ya all on the flip side. :)
Event details if in Miami area are here
This looked so fun! Love Sherb too!
messaged lindsay the last winner to pick a winner and when i get a reply ill pick :)
remember i’ll check if following one of my compadres