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Kraken NFTs I Own a Kraken?

Writer's picture: Wg aka JimiWg aka Jimi

Updated: Feb 16, 2024

Edited: I will leave comments with updates until website goes up in July. Add notifications if interested. muchlove

Edited: On Tentacle Tuesday Feb 6th, 2024 the first Ai Kraken hatched. The glass Kraken has been made and NFT minted given to long time member Robert out there in Nevada. Pic of it posted below. More info please join the 🐙POD. As members get first access to their news updates.

Kraken NFTs Update I Gen1 & Gen2 Ai Krakens FAQ.

In Short. A few questions i answered in the simplest way i can explain. This blog post pertains to future upcoming Krakens finally coming to the market. This also helps those outside of the glass art community understand. Maybe those who found out via blockchain community. Much love for all my friends and galleries who patiently waited. :)

Due to the learning curve of this idea, all past galleries were notified to pass the word onto the customers to find info here on their NFT. Here through the website, it is issued.

NFT were not applied to Kraken glassworks until Kraken #300. From there all back catalog was minted.

Now moving forward all Ai Krakens associated with Gen2, will be minted 1 by 1. I hope this helps with basic understanding for prior and future Kraken owners. Additional info on

Q: What are Kraken NFTs?

A: Certificate of ownership for a Glass Kraken. It shows data like a Carfax does for your car. The NFT is the digital identifier that is recorded on the blockchain for ownership and authenticity. A NFT comes in the form of a image held in the wallet backed by code. A image is just more pleasant to look at then a series of numbers.

Q: What if i own a Kraken and do not have the NFT?

A: Join the POD, and show proof of ownership. Once confirmed, a NFT will be issued to your digital wallet for self custody. If it was issued and you purchased it on the secondary market, ask its prior owner. If it was not issued, the current owner in possession will receive.

Q: What is the purpose of the NFT besides proof of ownership?

A: On the resale of the artworks, a 10% allocation for royalties built within go to charity. The value presented by having immutable data tied to the art, out weighs the fees secured for charity. 

Q: Are all Kraken NFTs valued the same?

A: No. Each Kraken NFT will differ through sale and resale in its history on the secondary market. Yet, each was minted at base of 4200 Ada (Approx $2200)

Q: What is the difference between Gen1 and Gen2?


Gen1 are all the 450 Krakens currently on the secondary market. Each was minted with a Kraken Koin Image for its NFT. 

Gen2 involve the creation of Krakens using code to randomly generate a description of what the next 200 will look like. This generation comes from traits in entered into a pool based off what the first 450 looked like. 200 will be created from 34000 combinations. Gen2 will also have a image similar to the look of their Kraken, opposed to the original Kraken Koin image.

Q: If i own a Kraken Gen1, can i get a Kraken image created instead of the basic Kraken Koin?

A: Yes, starting July 11, 2024 i will have a re minting service to backlog the first 450 1 by 1 for those interested. My goal is to have as many out there as possible, costs will be minimal to include the blockchain transaction fees. With demand for Gen2, might see a demand for the first 450. I will only make 650 in total. 

Q: What do the Kraken images look like for Gen2. Krakens #451 up to #600?

A: Picture above is base image, colors and traits will vary on the Kraken. Then each individual image will carry a Rarity Rank. Legendary to Common. Do to low supply of these Ai Krakens, even though it has a Common rank… it will be rare overall. :)

Q: Are all NFTs, Kraken NFTs? 

A: No. I have 5 projects that are NFTs. Kraken NFTs are for the Glass Kraken sculptors, but have several digital only art which will be NFTs of their own. All NFTs will have a certain utility. With many of my collectors conscious of a

Q: Why do royalties go to charity? 

A: Not all will be reserved for charity. 100% of Kraken Royalties will be going to Coral Restoration charity wallet. With further delegation returns going to them as well. Several upcoming projects i have plans for Kraken Owners or NFT owners to receive. 

Q: How do i order a Ai Kraken aka Gen2?

A: They will be created 1 by 1 and then image created after i see the code i have within the Kraken Vault folder. From there be listed to members of website for early access, then social and public. First 10 reserved for members and affiliate galleries.

Q: How do i order a Gen1 Kraken?

A: No longer taking orders for these. A few exceptions for #s that have been changed due to upgrades or ones that RIP i might re due. In other words they are in the wild of the secondary market. Please contact a shop or join the POD for latest member willing to part with it.

 Due to the current learning curve of NFT transfer i will create a escrow service to transfer title for 2 members involved. 

Q: Can i sell my Kraken without the NFT? 

A: Yes. Nothing keeps a member from selling their glass. There is a thread for members wanting to exchange their glass. It is up to them to maintain the blockchain history. Would you buy a car without a title? The NFT shows providence, as i created it.

Q: Why reference glass like a car?

A: Because i am the first to use this process and many find it foreign. I totally understand. Once the future shows the exchange of Kraken Images along with the glass, it will make sense. 

Q: Can i sell the NFT without the Kraken?

A: Same as above. The fact is many might by the NFT for its blockchain rarity and someone might sell the glass separate. I find the power lies in the 2 as a pair. Yes, the upside is unknown. The downside doesn’t exist because it only helps in maintaining true value of all the artworks. :)

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Wg aka Jimi
Wg aka Jimi
16 feb 2024

Website Update:

Since the project is not open to the public to adopt a Ai Kraken until July 11th, 2024, website will go up July 1st.

All updates until then will be left in comments here for anyone wanting to follow. :)

2nd Ai Kraken will be revealed Feb 20th and secured for A Friend Indeed Australia. 🇦🇺

As mentioned before i am creating Re-Mints of previous Krakens from Gen1. So to go along with the announcement of Ai Kraken #2 , A image of their Kraken #413 will mint the same day. Image of 413 includes Epic Rarity traits below. Kraken Eggs and Rare additional horns.

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Wg aka Jimi
Wg aka Jimi
06 feb 2024

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Wg aka Jimi
Wg aka Jimi
06 feb 2024

Reminder these are made 1 by 1 and i do not know even what the future holds on what they will look like. I do look a couple ahead but not farther than that. So as mentioned in Ai thread the first 10 are secured for members and certified galleries.

I will have 1 for each gallery at the upcoming meet ups. So i can describe the project in person.

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Wg aka Jimi
Wg aka Jimi
06 feb 2024

Happy Tentacle Tuesday !! First Ai Kraken has minted and Ai Krakens are live. Be super fun to see what next one will be.

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Wg aka Jimi
Wg aka Jimi
03 feb 2024

FYI i am leaving this post public because many members who sold their Krakens on secondary market in the last couple years, new owners may have no clue. 75% of Kraken owners have not redeemed their NFTs unaware of their existence as well, so hopefully i can leave this here and eventually see. :)

Here is example of code and traits for the Ai Krakens. All generated 2yrs ago and finally soon revealed.

Background & Kraken eggs are traits for future projects that give insight for Ocean of origin or can be used for 2025 breeding idea. :)

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